Offer auto-adder

Credit cards often have offers that allow users to save a few extra bucks. The caveat to this is that users have to manually activate each offer on the mobile banking app or on the web. There can hundreds of offers to add, so it becomes a tedious process to add all the offers.

You could use a 3rd party app like MaxRewards or CardPointer to automatically add your offers; however, you would have to provide some sort of log in information to them.

Instead, I suggest bookmarking the following script and clicking it each time you visit the banking site on your computer.

  1. Create a bookmark.

  2. Paste the following:

    For Amex Offers:

    javascript:(async() => { var offerButtons = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("offer-cta axp-offers__global__merchantOfferCta___qKBIE css-261oxr")).filter(btn => btn.title == "Add to Card"); var index; for (index = 0; index < offerButtons.length; ++index) { console.log("Clicking offer button"); offerButtons[index].click(); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)); } })();

    For Chase Offer:

    javascript:a=()=>{window.history.back(); setTimeout(c, 100);}; c=()=> { btns=[...document.querySelectorAll('._1bof7fb9')].filter(b => b.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].type !== 'ico_checkmark_filled'); b = btns.pop(); if (!b) return console.log('added all!'); b.childNodes[0].click(); setTimeout(a, 100); }; c();
  3. Save the bookmark.

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